Heidelberg University
E. Collin, Grenoble
C. Enss, Heidelberg
G.R.P. Pickett, Lancaster
P. Skyba, Kosice
H. Suderow, Madrid
J. Tuoriniemi, Helsinki
European Advanced Cryogenic Courses
CRYOCOURSE is the European intensive course on advanced Cryophysics and Cryogenics, the science and technology of Low Temperatures. Since 2002, more than 10 events (Courses and Conferences) have been held, gathering about 500 young researchers from the European Union, but also from non-EU countries.
The courses are open to PhD students, post-docs, young technicians and engineers from all European laboratories with an interest in cryogenic applications over a wide range of topics (low temperature physics, cryogenic industry, particle detection, large scale facilities, space applications and so forth).
They will be excellent opportunities for young researchers to learn about fundamental and industrial issues in Cryogenics from experts in the field. There will be ample time for discussion. In the spirit of a "hands-on" approach, several practical works will be undertaken under the supervision of the scientific and technical staff.
The Cryoconferences will allow young researchers (PhDs, post-docs) to present and discuss their results in Cryophysics and Cryogenics.